Ahhh, these long hot days of summer are hanging on. But that means I get to spend more time exercising in the pool. This Monday evening I took advantage of some quiet time since my hubby is in school and my youngster is hanging with his buddies, to get in some pool time. My routine is to check the filters, skim, check the pump, and then get in my laps. Earlier in the summer our pool pump quit. Well, I couldn't find an exact match, matter of fact I couldn't find anything close, so I had to get a pump about 1/3 stronger than the old pump. It has actually turned out to be a very good thing in a number of ways. Our pool is round so I found out right away that this bigger pump did more than just move the water in a circle to the skimmer. This pump actually creates a current, one that you can feel pushing you. This is a huge benefit for me because my exercise time is usually somewhat limited, so I want to get the most "bang for my buck" with my time. When I swim my laps for exercise I always swim against the current. It seems like in no time my arms and legs are burning, so I know I'm getting a good work out. When I've hit my exercise goal, I swim the other direction....or rather I coast in the other direction (that big ole pump does a really good job of pushing me along).
This evening as I swam I was doing some thinking. Some thoughts about work, some about home, school I'd like to finish up, and so on. Then I realized I really wanted to stop and spend this wonderful quiet time with the Lord. I really needed to have a good chat with my Lord. Sometimes these "chats" can go on a long time, but tonight was totally different. My puzzlement of late was why it is such a challenge for me to stay close to God. I know what I need to do, I read, I pray, but I feel like I'm always struggling. Then....quick as a flash God spoke to me. No, not in a clear voice, but to my soul. He said, "Oh, child of mine. You are so impatient. When you exercise, do you push your arms and legs against the air with no resistance and expect results?" Just that quick I was humbled and different scriptures began to come to mind. I knew I had to dig further into this Word from God right away, so out of the pool I came and straight to the Bible.
First I went to James 1:2-4 "Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing."
Oh, yes. I want to build up my endurance! That's the point of my exercise. I want to be able to do things like I used to be able to, walk farther, ride my bike for miles upon miles. Shouldn't my walk with God be the same way? Well, I have to exercise my faith, stay in the Word, pray, and spend time with God.
I then turned over to Romas. Paul wrote: " For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it." "What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!" NIV Romans 7:19-20 and 7:24-25.
Paul struggled, and stayed in prayer, and he endured. Growing stronger and closer to the Lord. Oh, how I want that.
Then I paused for a bit and realized that even Jesus took time to get alone and talk to God the Father. What a "Wow" moment to realize even Jesus needed time with the Father to renew Himself. I don't see many places where it is shared exactly what Jesus prayed, but it is mentioned frequently that Jesus would rise early to prayer....or go to lonely places, quiet places, to pray. However, Jesus' prayer in the garden is shared in scripture. In Gethsemane Jesus was troubled. Scripture tells us that He said "His soul was overwhelmed." Jesus knew what awaited Him, so I can clearly understand why He was overwhelmed. He knew that the persecution, the beatings, was coming upon him very soon. He was in human form, so He knew this was going to be agony. In Gethsemane, not only do we see Jesus asking God to give Him an easier path, but also saying "Not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:39). I'm not a theologian by any means, but it seems like He's not only asking for relief, but strength to see everything through.
Yes, I was sorely humbled by word I received. What a wake up call. Why did I spend so many years assuming that things should come easily, fall smoothly into place, and be a snap for me? How silly. It didn't happen for John, James, Paul or even Jesus. Why did I think I was an exception. Thankfully, that self-deception has been lifted. I see clearly now that it takes resistance, trials, some hard lessons, and spiritual exercises in order for me to build "muscles." I know that God has a plan for all these spiritual muscles He's building. It is going to be exciting to see how He plans to use them.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Don't overlook God's blessings
What a morning! I woke up with a busy, busy morning in front of me. Or, rather a very busy 1-1/2 hours. Today is grooming day for my 3 little dogs. This means I must rise extra early, let all 4 dogs out, get myself showered, dressed, and hopfully woken up minus caffeine (there is never enough time to drink a cup of coffee or tea). Then it is load up the 3 little dogs while keeping the big dog penned up and get to the groomers. Doesn't sound too hectic until you consider the drive to the groomers is about 20-30 minutes (depending on school bus route times).
This morning I fully intended to keep my focus on the simple things in life, the beauty that God has all around me for me to appreciate. Instead, here was my lesson.
God works all things for my good.
How did that lesson arrive? Well, part of our grooming day schedule is (weather permitting) to ensure that the backyard gets mowed because one of our little dogs is allergic to grass. Of course, he's the shortest dog as well so literally can spend his life up to his neck in grass if we can't keep it mowed. Well, the grass was damp because we've been blessed with much needed rain. This means that I wasn't about to try and learn all the inner workings of my husband's new riding mower (just enough different from our old mower to get me in a LOT of trouble), so I got out the push mower. Granted, it is self-propelled, but it is still a push mower. I gas it up and off I go.
As I mow I realize that all the edging around the heat pumps, patio, and fence line needs to be done as well. Then here comes my fleshy self. I was just ranting and raving in my mind about things like "How come no one ever runs the weed-eater the way it needs to be done? Why do they wait until a 30 minute to an hour touch-up job turns into a full morning chore?" I got myself quite worked up, when suddenly Romans 8:28 came to mind.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (NIV)
WOW! Suddenly the Holy Spirit convicted me of all the negativity I had been building up. I was humbled as a new light was shed on everything I had been looking at through a dark glass. My God, even though I was so undeserving, has blessed me with a house and some land. We have a yard that He allows us to enjoy and it does need regular maintenance. All the opportunities that come with having this glorious gift came flooding into my mind. I don't have to have an extra gym membership. My Lord has provided a way for me to get regular exercise and enjoy the outdoors while caring for the land He's given us stewardship over. I don't have to search for opportunities for my children and grandchildren to learn the feeling of a job well done with their own hands. The Lord has provided a way for them to have a regular job in helping care for this blessing the Lord has bestowed upon us.
Instead of allowing myself to wallow in the anger and rage that had been rearing its ugly heard earlier (and setting a potentially ominous tone for the day), my soul raised up a huge praise to my Lord! Thank you, my wonderful Father in heaven, for blessing me so generously. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for showing me this wonderful lesson today. Help me to forever keep my heart, mind, and soul open to You and your teachings to I can walk more closely to You, my sweet and precious Lord and Saviour.
This morning I fully intended to keep my focus on the simple things in life, the beauty that God has all around me for me to appreciate. Instead, here was my lesson.
God works all things for my good.
How did that lesson arrive? Well, part of our grooming day schedule is (weather permitting) to ensure that the backyard gets mowed because one of our little dogs is allergic to grass. Of course, he's the shortest dog as well so literally can spend his life up to his neck in grass if we can't keep it mowed. Well, the grass was damp because we've been blessed with much needed rain. This means that I wasn't about to try and learn all the inner workings of my husband's new riding mower (just enough different from our old mower to get me in a LOT of trouble), so I got out the push mower. Granted, it is self-propelled, but it is still a push mower. I gas it up and off I go.
As I mow I realize that all the edging around the heat pumps, patio, and fence line needs to be done as well. Then here comes my fleshy self. I was just ranting and raving in my mind about things like "How come no one ever runs the weed-eater the way it needs to be done? Why do they wait until a 30 minute to an hour touch-up job turns into a full morning chore?" I got myself quite worked up, when suddenly Romans 8:28 came to mind.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (NIV)
WOW! Suddenly the Holy Spirit convicted me of all the negativity I had been building up. I was humbled as a new light was shed on everything I had been looking at through a dark glass. My God, even though I was so undeserving, has blessed me with a house and some land. We have a yard that He allows us to enjoy and it does need regular maintenance. All the opportunities that come with having this glorious gift came flooding into my mind. I don't have to have an extra gym membership. My Lord has provided a way for me to get regular exercise and enjoy the outdoors while caring for the land He's given us stewardship over. I don't have to search for opportunities for my children and grandchildren to learn the feeling of a job well done with their own hands. The Lord has provided a way for them to have a regular job in helping care for this blessing the Lord has bestowed upon us.
Instead of allowing myself to wallow in the anger and rage that had been rearing its ugly heard earlier (and setting a potentially ominous tone for the day), my soul raised up a huge praise to my Lord! Thank you, my wonderful Father in heaven, for blessing me so generously. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for showing me this wonderful lesson today. Help me to forever keep my heart, mind, and soul open to You and your teachings to I can walk more closely to You, my sweet and precious Lord and Saviour.
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Trixie supervising morning mowing chore |
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Beautiful rain!

It amazes me how things all around me remind me of what God does in my life. Without Him I begin to "get crunchy." Okay, not literally. But I get cranky. My words become more coarse and less a reflection of the Lord I serve. I begin to dry up and wither without the daily reign of the Lord in my life. He is the Living Water and I need Him in my life.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sunshine and Son's shine

I can't help but notice the remarkable similarity to the Son. He is the Light in the darkness, and oh what a Light He is. Darkness must flee from Him. It gives me joy to be in His presence, a joy that goes beyond words. His light cuts through the fog the world throws at me. He guides me along my way. Jesus is the Light of the world. What a privilege to reflect His light and share His news. Do you know Him? Do you spend your days in the Son's shine?
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Cor 4:6 NIV)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Been too long
For the last 2 weeks we've had 3 of our 5 grandchildren visiting. That is a good way to get some priorities back in line. Dinner, that can't wait. Checking bathroom for flooding, that can't wait. Breaking up arguments, that can't wait. Time with grandchildren, priceless. All the other "stuff" is just stuff that either waits, or gets pushed off the iceburg. It is definitely time to assess my life more and find what other "stuff" can get moved on out and make more time for the important things in life.....God, family, others. Once God is back in the right place in my life, everything else will fall into the proper priority.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Good things?
A lot of things have been weighing on my mind of late. Batting around many thoughts and ideas. One thought keeps returning to my overly busy mind. Are all things that we considered good from God? I'm not entirely convinced that the answer is "yes." If the "good" things continue to make me take time away from my family, so much so that I miss important milestones, is it a "good" thing? If the "good" things make me so tired and bone weary that I cannot exercise my muscles to keep my body in shape, is this a truly a "good" thing? When I realize that the "good" things have taken over the time I used to spend in midweek worship of my Lord, is this truly a "good" thing? When the "good" thing keeps leading me back to the scripture, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28 NIV), is this truly a "good" thing? When the "good" thing pulls my time away from the project the Spirit laid on my heart at the beginning of the year, is this truly a "good" thing?
I have come to the realization that just because something is "good" doesn't necessarily mean that it is meant for me to accomplish. The deceiver is always setting traps for me. That is what he's all about, deceving, lying, etc. His primary mission is to keep me, to keep us, from fulfilling the mission God has given each of us. It seems that the deceiver's choice of weapon for me is to hit me at ego level. However, I could have prevented this by taking control and not allowing the deception in the first place. The ultimate responsibility is mine. I have control of my choices (Thank You God, for allowing me free will). And now I realize that some of the "good" things that came across my path were things I allowed to become distractions by making poor choices and losing precious time for the goals God had established for me to accomplish.
A distraction sent my way was spending too much time working, always looking to make more money. But when I was reading the scripture, what jumped out at me but Proverbs 23:4, "Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdome to show restraint." I tried to justify working extra because I was helping pay off bills, put money in savings, help fix the house, and so on and so forth. I didn't think I was concentrating on "getting rich" but rather just "breaking even." Here I was spinning my wheels trying to do things my way, pumping up my own ego with what I could do in this situation. When I realize that my Lord was right there the entire time waiting for me to realize that He had the answer, I feel so foolish.
Now I find that I'm doing something oh so similar with some projects/missions that have come across my path. Just because something good, some wonderful mission project for the Lord comes to my attention, doesn't mean that I physically have to be the one to accomplish the mission. God gave us each gifts and talents to use wisely. When we use our gifts in the way He designed, every part of the Christian body participates in the mission. Some parts are the face, voice and feet. They are out there parts of the body going forth and speaking, being the presence in the world. Others are hands who work in the background, providing support in numerous ways. The hands make goods and build funding for for the other parts of the body to go forth. Is one more important than the other? Absolutely not. In Ephesians, the apostle Paul tells us that the Lord called some to be preachers, some teachers, some evangelists, etc. Everyone has a job. We do our jobs together "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:12-13). What a wonderful plan. Share the work so that one person isn't loaded down; so one person doesn't become weary. We all grow through the tasks, the missions. We all learn from the different aspects we participate in. Again, in Ephesians, the scripture tells us, "Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up in Him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (Ephesians 4:15-16.).
These words really hit home. They tell me that yes....there are many good things that the Lord wants to have done. He's allowing me to see what these good things are, but He expects me to allow the body to work as a whole. He's not telling me that I must do each thing. I now realize that He's pointing out to me areas that need work so that I can relay a message. When I look back I now realize the difference in the messages I've been given. Some were given to me in a way that left no doubt that I was the the responsible party for the task at hand. I had the gifts, the talents, to accomplish the task. Other messages were in regards to tasks that I sat here wondering about with thoughts like, "Dear Lord, I know that I know that You need this accomplished. I know you'll give me the skills I need to do this task." But, in these particular instances in my life, I now realize I totally ignored part of the message. Not only did He tell me what needed to be done, he brought a particular person to mind. Did I go to that person and share the message? I'm sorry to say that, no I didn't. I let me ego take over and told myself "He'll equip me." Does the Lord equip us? Oh, yes, He definitely does.....when they are things that we need to be equipped with. However, in these cases, these weren't things He wanted me to do so I wasn't equipped to complete the tasks. I spent numerous hours trying to do things that weren't mine to do. What a hard lesson to learn. But, thankfully I have learned. Now, I will be sure to stay in pray, use discernment and certain of who the message, who the task, is for.
He created the body for a purpose, His purpose. We are here to work together, to accomplish a wonderful mission. So yes....good things are from God. However, I must use discernment to be sure that the "good things" are things meant for me. If they aren't, and I am to pass on a message, then I must ensure that the message gets to the right person so there isn't distraction and delay.
Yes...oh yes...God is good all the time...and all the time God is good.
I have come to the realization that just because something is "good" doesn't necessarily mean that it is meant for me to accomplish. The deceiver is always setting traps for me. That is what he's all about, deceving, lying, etc. His primary mission is to keep me, to keep us, from fulfilling the mission God has given each of us. It seems that the deceiver's choice of weapon for me is to hit me at ego level. However, I could have prevented this by taking control and not allowing the deception in the first place. The ultimate responsibility is mine. I have control of my choices (Thank You God, for allowing me free will). And now I realize that some of the "good" things that came across my path were things I allowed to become distractions by making poor choices and losing precious time for the goals God had established for me to accomplish.
A distraction sent my way was spending too much time working, always looking to make more money. But when I was reading the scripture, what jumped out at me but Proverbs 23:4, "Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdome to show restraint." I tried to justify working extra because I was helping pay off bills, put money in savings, help fix the house, and so on and so forth. I didn't think I was concentrating on "getting rich" but rather just "breaking even." Here I was spinning my wheels trying to do things my way, pumping up my own ego with what I could do in this situation. When I realize that my Lord was right there the entire time waiting for me to realize that He had the answer, I feel so foolish.
Now I find that I'm doing something oh so similar with some projects/missions that have come across my path. Just because something good, some wonderful mission project for the Lord comes to my attention, doesn't mean that I physically have to be the one to accomplish the mission. God gave us each gifts and talents to use wisely. When we use our gifts in the way He designed, every part of the Christian body participates in the mission. Some parts are the face, voice and feet. They are out there parts of the body going forth and speaking, being the presence in the world. Others are hands who work in the background, providing support in numerous ways. The hands make goods and build funding for for the other parts of the body to go forth. Is one more important than the other? Absolutely not. In Ephesians, the apostle Paul tells us that the Lord called some to be preachers, some teachers, some evangelists, etc. Everyone has a job. We do our jobs together "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:12-13). What a wonderful plan. Share the work so that one person isn't loaded down; so one person doesn't become weary. We all grow through the tasks, the missions. We all learn from the different aspects we participate in. Again, in Ephesians, the scripture tells us, "Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up in Him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (Ephesians 4:15-16.).
These words really hit home. They tell me that yes....there are many good things that the Lord wants to have done. He's allowing me to see what these good things are, but He expects me to allow the body to work as a whole. He's not telling me that I must do each thing. I now realize that He's pointing out to me areas that need work so that I can relay a message. When I look back I now realize the difference in the messages I've been given. Some were given to me in a way that left no doubt that I was the the responsible party for the task at hand. I had the gifts, the talents, to accomplish the task. Other messages were in regards to tasks that I sat here wondering about with thoughts like, "Dear Lord, I know that I know that You need this accomplished. I know you'll give me the skills I need to do this task." But, in these particular instances in my life, I now realize I totally ignored part of the message. Not only did He tell me what needed to be done, he brought a particular person to mind. Did I go to that person and share the message? I'm sorry to say that, no I didn't. I let me ego take over and told myself "He'll equip me." Does the Lord equip us? Oh, yes, He definitely does.....when they are things that we need to be equipped with. However, in these cases, these weren't things He wanted me to do so I wasn't equipped to complete the tasks. I spent numerous hours trying to do things that weren't mine to do. What a hard lesson to learn. But, thankfully I have learned. Now, I will be sure to stay in pray, use discernment and certain of who the message, who the task, is for.
He created the body for a purpose, His purpose. We are here to work together, to accomplish a wonderful mission. So yes....good things are from God. However, I must use discernment to be sure that the "good things" are things meant for me. If they aren't, and I am to pass on a message, then I must ensure that the message gets to the right person so there isn't distraction and delay.
Yes...oh yes...God is good all the time...and all the time God is good.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Snow and Rain
Friday, February 12, 2010, brought a winter wonderland to lower Alabama. We don't see snow very often, and when we have in the past it wasn't much. A dusting at best. This snow was gorgeous. It was the heavy wet flakes that made the best snowballs and snowmen. The children, young and old alike, had the best time playing in this lovely, lacey gift from God.
Oh, how I hope I can embrace and enjoy all of God's gifts as openly and freely as I did on that Friday. I need to share the news of his grace even more than spreading the news of this shortlined snow because God's grace is everlasting. He gave His Son to that I could have salvation. He blessed me with a loving family and my health. Thank you, dear Lord, for all you've given me. I will shout Your good news to the world!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Ponderings on a windy Sunday morning
It has been a while since I took a moment to write anything, other than items for work. It is so early in the new year, yet I've allowed the world to push, pull and tug me away from my purpose. I feel like the apostle Paul. I want to do right, I truly do, yet I end up doing the opposite. No, that doesn't mean I've gone running down the wrong path, but rather taking my eyes off of my Lord. He's right here, and He has a plan for my life, and I know this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Why do I insist on trying to do things my way when I know that only opens a door for the enemy to begin throwing distractions at me. And, silly me, not only do I know they're distractions, but then I begin to entertain them. Do you have a similar challenge? How do you move beyond it?
As I sit here listening to the wind batter my house and watch the wind toss things around my yard, I realize that I've been similarly allowing things to blow me around. Just like this pool, I've allowed "things" to turn my life upside down by trying to deal with things all by myself. How silly of me.
I know where my answer lies, and I know Who my answer is. I've been spending some time with God in prayer and reading His Word. The key word here is "some," but it isn't nearly enough. Playing this ridiculous "technical game," letting my mind tell me, "Yes, you've crossed that item off your day's to-do list," was a dangerous thing to do. Allowing myself this rationalization means that my solid ground has gotten slippery, my roots aren't as deep as they used to be. Thank You, Lord, for allowing me choices!! It is high time that I make a choice to change my circumstances!! The answer is so simple. Spend more time with a loving, caring Lord and Saviour, who has a perfect plan for my life.
Here I come, Lord, once again, asking forgiveness for my stubborn willfulness. I need You to lay Your hand on my life, guide, protect and comfort me. Show me the path you'd have me take, because I know it is a perfect path. It know that it isn't a trouble-free path. There will be trials and tribulations along the way, You told me that in Your Word. But I know that it will be a perfect path to continue drawing me closer to You. Amen.
As I sit here listening to the wind batter my house and watch the wind toss things around my yard, I realize that I've been similarly allowing things to blow me around. Just like this pool, I've allowed "things" to turn my life upside down by trying to deal with things all by myself. How silly of me.
I know where my answer lies, and I know Who my answer is. I've been spending some time with God in prayer and reading His Word. The key word here is "some," but it isn't nearly enough. Playing this ridiculous "technical game," letting my mind tell me, "Yes, you've crossed that item off your day's to-do list," was a dangerous thing to do. Allowing myself this rationalization means that my solid ground has gotten slippery, my roots aren't as deep as they used to be. Thank You, Lord, for allowing me choices!! It is high time that I make a choice to change my circumstances!! The answer is so simple. Spend more time with a loving, caring Lord and Saviour, who has a perfect plan for my life.
Here I come, Lord, once again, asking forgiveness for my stubborn willfulness. I need You to lay Your hand on my life, guide, protect and comfort me. Show me the path you'd have me take, because I know it is a perfect path. It know that it isn't a trouble-free path. There will be trials and tribulations along the way, You told me that in Your Word. But I know that it will be a perfect path to continue drawing me closer to You. Amen.
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