Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 3 Blogging Challenge - My Views on Drugs and Alcohol

Day 3 - My view on drugs and alcohol

Somebody really worked on these questions to keep people either (a) out of their comfort zone, or (b) on their soapbox.

My view on drugs, and I'm assuming the creator of this list is referring to illicit and/or recreational drug use, I don't agree with the practice. It is dangerous because the drugs lower inhibitions and create more avenues for people to be taken advantage or, get hurt, or hurt others. If the drugs used aren't lower inhibitions, then they are amping up the person's metabolism and heart rate in order to "stay alert" and party longer. I've heard so many excuses over the years as to why drug use is cool, most being "It helps me relax and feel good." Yes, when I was younger, that was me. Now that I'm older, I have to shake my head and wonder, why in the world did I want to be in situations where I was so uncomfortable that I had to drug myself in order to have a "good time." What was I thinking? Well, that's an easy question to answer. I wasn't thinking. I was trying to be part of the "cool" people. I wish I could reach out to my younger self and talk some sense into me.

As for alcohol, that is an exceptionally touchy subject around here. Yes, alcohol is in the Bible. Yes, they drank wine. However, there are so many warnings in the Bible, as well as in our current culture, to drink responsibly. Absolutely no good comes from getting drunk, not in Noah's time and not now. The smartest and safest thing by far is simply, don't do it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

30-day Blogging challenge - Day 2 - Where would I like to be in 10 years

Where would I like to be in 10 years
Good question, one that keeps changing. In the 90s, my 10-year goal was to earn the rank of Sergeant Major. Alas, an injury and other events caused that goal to get sunsetted. In the late 90s and early 2000s my goal was to be a successful business person. Pushing for big, better, best, and allowing myself to get into the "The one with the most toys wins" syndrome was very taxing. I was very goal-oriented and ambitious, well, truth is I'm still very goal oriented. These aren't necessarily bad character traits, but they can be when personal priorities get out of sync. Poor priorities equals poor personal relationships which equals extra stress, which is very avoidable.

So, what is my new 10-year goal? First, I want to be debt free, including our house, if at all possible.

Being debt free will lift a great burden as well as required commitments that keeps us tightly bound to home and work and away from our extended family. Being debt free would allow us to visit with our children and grandchildren more often. What a great joy that will be!

Next, I want to be better acquainted with my guitar, which has grown very lonely over the years . My piano and clarinet are also crying out for attention.

I want to be more involved in ministry, whether it is supporting a ministry or actively leading one, whatever door the Lord opens. It is so inspiring watching what the Lord is doing in the lives of the young people around me. I want to roll up my sleeves to get more involved as well. I would be so exciting to have the Lord open a door to a ministry overseas. However, I know there are vast fields right here at home that need attention as well. So, wherever the Lord leads, I will follow.

So, where will I be in 10 years? Only the Lord knows. I'm looking forward to seeing what great gifts He has in store for me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

30-day blogging challenge - Current relationship

Current relationship

I really enjoy writing, but I've fallen away from it this year. I allowed work and other things to pull me away. When a friend shared this 30-day challenge, I picked up the gauntlet. It took me a few days to let things settle in and get a game plan together for my writing time (yes, I stole back some of my time!! Yeah!!) Let's see how things go.

The first day's assignment is to write about my current relationship. I'm in an incredible relationship that is truly standing the test of time. I heard of this man a while before I began hanging out with him, which was when I was 14 years old. See, I told you the relationship was standing the test of time. :-) He's been with me through all the highs and lows in my life. When things were at their worst when I was a teenager, he was there to comfort me. We would lose ourselves in music and talk, and that would give me a better perspective and I'd feel a lot better.

Then there were the years when my life's worst became even darker. I admit, I became very frustrated with my wonderful friend and turned my back on him. For a few years I tried to walk in this world on my own, thinking I could make all my decisions and plans without any input from anyone. Yes, I'm a very stubborn, independent-minded person. However, this wonderful man waited for me. He didn't stray, he never changed, he stayed right there waiting for me to realize that this world is too big and too deceptive for me to handle things on my own. What a glorious reunion when I made that realization and went running back into His open arms! Ever since that time, we've been inseparable. It is so comforting to know that no matter what, He's always there.

I would like to introduce you to the man in my wonderful relationship. His name is Jesus. I learned all about him as a child, literally studying about him at least 6 out of 7 days a week because I attended parochial school during the week and church on weekends. I thought that all that head knowledge was all I needed to know about Jesus to get me safely through my life. When I was 14 I went to a get-together at a church that changed my life forever. The speaker was saying things that kind of went against the grain of what I'd been taught throughout my younger years. I don't remember who the speaker was, but I remember the message. We were told that even the devil and all his demons know about Jesus. They know all of Jesus' teachings, His miracles, and His sufferings. That's right, they know the scriptures. Even with all this knowledge, they chose to turn their backs on Jesus, His Father and the Holy Spirit. Oh, that so struck a chord in my young heart! I didn't want to just have a head knowledge of Jesus, I wanted to truly know this wonderful Man who chose, yes freely chose, to leave all the glories in heaven to come to earth as a baby, go through all the temptations of a man, and then be persecuted, prosecuted, and then horribly executed. I had to get to know Him better because He went through all of this for me! For me?! Wow! That still boggles my mind!! He made this decision and went through everything just for me, before I was even born! Yes, He went through all He this for you as well. Do you know Him? Truly know Him, with a relationship like you have with your friends and family? If you don't, and you want to, you can right now. Jesus will accept anyone as a friend, at any time. The wonderful thing is that we don't have to wait until we've cleaned up our life, wear the right clothes, make enough money, or done anything special in order to qualifty to get to know Jesus better.  We simply invite Him into our life. It is something you can do right now, and it is literally as easy as A, B, C.

Admit that you're a sinner:

Romans 3:22-24

"This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

elieve that Jesus Christ died for you, was buried, and rose again
(Yes, He Lives!)

John 3:16-17

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

Romans 5:8

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Confess that Jesus is your Lord and Saviour

Romans 10:9

"That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

After that comes the great part, you get to keep growing our relationship with Jesus. How? Read His Word, the Bible, every day. Once a day, twice a day, whatever you choose to do. You say you don't own a Bible? Well, until you can get one that you can hold in your hand, find a Bible online. Check out sites like or or There are even Bibles you can download to your cell phone, iPad, etc., and many include extras like Bible reading plans, devotionals, etc. These are handy applications when you're away from home and want to check out what the Word has to say about something.

Next, if you don't have a church, go visit a few. Don't decide on a church just because it is the most popular church in your area. Find a church that preaches the scripture the way the Lord wrote it. You wouldn't buy a house or a car without doing research and finding out for yourself that you're being given the facts, so do the same thing when you're looking for the right home church. Take notes during the sermons, and then test what was preached by checking the Bible for yourself.

I pray that you decide to build a wonderful relationship with Jesus. He is truly the best and most reliable friend you will ever have.