Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Noticer by Andy Andrews

This is a story about a man named Jones (or Garcia, or Chen...however he appears to people). Jones comes into people's lives when they need a friend, some guidance, some perspective. The story is set in a town in Alabama where Jones moves in and out of lives. This book shares a few stories of the lives Jones touches. No one knows where he came from, where he sleeps, or even how to contact him, but he seems to be there when people need him the most. He offers them words of encouragement. But the words are not just platitudes, but rather words and ideas that are gems that can truly change a life. For instance, that someone's bad choices can put them in a place that is exactly where they need to be so they can grow and do things beyond their wildest dreams. Perspective means we look forward at the consequences of the choices we make today (a paraphrase of one of Jones' bits of wisdom). I think my favorite Jones interaction is with a widow who thinks that "she has outlived her usefulness." He shares with her about people who became successful when other people would "normally" be retiring. Overall I truly enjoyed this book. It is uplifting and gives a reader plenty to think about. I believe this book would be better if it shared God's improvement plan with the reader rather than being delivered as a self-improvement plan.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gift Giving

At this time of the year most of us turn our thoughts toward finding the perfect gift; the gift our family member or friend has wanted for a long time, a gift that shows how much we love them, a gift that will change their lives.  I don't know about you, but I get so caught up in the busy-ness of all the gift shopping and making that I often forget that there is only one reason I give gifts. It is in honor of the best Gift Giver of all time.  I'm sure you've heard the old saying, "You can't out give God." I have heard it many times, but I hadn't honestly taken the time to think on it.  I'm embarrassed to say that many times I have simply thought, "Yes, He sent His Son for me."  Oh, but there is so much more to God's gift giving.

He knew who I was before I ever set foot in this world.  He created this world for me and for you.  He set the temperature and climate so plants, animals, water, everything, would be just right for us to live.

He gave me intelligence and free will.  A free will to choose to use His gift of intelligence in any manner I choose. I have the choice to study, work hard, create, sing, read, and so much more.  Or, I can choose to sit on my rearend, feel sorry for myself that I don't have the biggest and the best of everything there is to have in the world.  Another choice He has given me is to accept His mercy and grace in my life.  He always gives me the choice of whether or not a spend time time in prayer, praise, and worship.  It is all my choice.  My God didn't mandate the I love and worship Him. He has left this all all in my hands.  He wants my love, but He wants it to always be something freely given from me to Him.  He didn't have to do this.  He could have made me so that I always do whatever He says, but He gave me the wonderful gift of free will, free choice.  My God is so awesome! 

He gives me forgiveness. With all my free will, I mess up...sometimes a lot.  Because God sent His Son to earth for me, He gave me the opportunity to accept His Son, Jesus, into my life as my Savior.  Because of Jesus' gift of sacrifice, His pure and perfect life given freely on a cruel cross, He made a way for me to come directly into the Holy of Holies and ask forgiveness of my sins.  Thank you, Lord, for this truly awesome gift. It is a gift I was not worthy of, but because of Jesus sacrifice of His precious life I am now worthy to come to You and ask for your forgiveness, Your guidance, Your grace.

God gave His Son for me.  Jesus stepped down from His thrown. He left all the glory of heaven to come to earth to live as a man.  He spent His life as a man, giving us all the gift of His words, His knowledge, His teachings.  He felt what we feel.  He went through temptations like we go through temptations. He didn't have to do this, but He gave us the gift of His life any way.  He then went through torment, beatings, torture and ultimately gave His sinless life as a gift, a perfect sacrifice, so we no longer have to search for perfect sacrifices in order to come to the Lord with our prayers. 

The gift giving didn't stop with the sacrifice.  Jesus conquered death and the grave.  He rose again to once again walk among us.  For 40 days He walked among us and then He rose into heaven.  But He didn't leave us alone.  The Lord then sent us the gift of a Comforter, the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is here, with me, every day. 

What a wonderful God! There is no way I can ever dream of outgiving my God.  He has given me everything I will ever need.  When these thoughts finally registered in my brain I realized that the gift I need to give my friends and family is to be sure to share God with them.  They all need to know what God has done, to hear about the love of Jesus and learn about the way He opened for us.  So this year I purpose to share the great news of Jesus wherever and whenever the opportunity presents itself. 

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ponderings for the morning

After many soggy, dreary days, the gold, silver and white have broken through. The sun's rays are spreading warmth, cheer and more colors throughout this early morning. The shining brightness is a wonderful smile smile with the animals and trees and now me.  No matter how many shiny decorations or lights we've strung to make our house festive, we simply can't out decorate God. With one light He creates so many glorious colors that dance all over.  It is fall so the leaves are turning brown, yet the sun still picks out beautiful colors...colors that aren't quite orange, aren't quite red, aren't quite brown, just totally unique shading and tone that is incredible to behold.

Thank you, Lord, for gracing me with another day to behold Your handiwork. You are the Master, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Beautiful wet rainy day

Ahhh, what a day! It was a glorious day, although we had torrential rain. How could it be beautiful, you ask.  Well, it was another day the Lord blessed me with.  We made it through weather warning after weather warning, and the Lord's hand was on us. My NOAA weather radio went off about 4 pm notifying us that there was a tornado in the area.  I listened close for the location, and yes it was very close, but I figured we were still safe.  Ahhhh, yes, but we were safe, but only by the grace of God. Someone reported to us that the tornado passed right over our house! Wow! I am blessed by the Best! The is my God...and He is totally awesome!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Book Review: "5 Cites that Ruled the World: How Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, London & New York Shaped Global History"

In "5 Cites that Ruled the World" the author, Douglas Wilson, gives us glimpses at the history of 5 influential cities, Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, London, & New York. The history walks us through ancient past into recent times, but in a clear, concise manner rather than dragging us down with loads of detail. In my opinion, a better title for this book would be to replace the word "ruled" with the word "led."

At the beginning of the book I was unsure how this read would go. I found myself somewhat taken aback by some of the author's comments. Those weren't something I was anticipating in a book that I thought would be straight history. That was a poor assumption on my part. I had to make myself read this book with a completely open mind, which worked out well. The author used refreshingly different methods to explain his thoughts about each city, as well as tying in historical events and scripture. He described Jerusalem as a city that gave us a legacy of the spirit; Athens as a city that gave us reason and the mind; Rome a city that gave us law; London as a city that gave us literature; and New York as the city that gave us industry and commerce. When Douglas Wilson first presented these concepts in the introduction I wasn't sure that I completely agreed, but I pressed on. In his look at each city's history he did prove his concepts very well. He even managed to explain London's history so well that I wasn't confused (I usually find the twists, turns and numbers of the various English kings and queens highly confusing).

In the author's epilogue, he ties together all the cities with the theme of freedom and liberty. While I did enjoy reading this book, I believe I would have enjoyed it more if the theme would have been expressed through each city rather than saved for an "epilogue" because it left me feeling a bit like the "epilogue" was an afterthought. All in all, I did enjoy this book and I did learn some things. I wouldn't use this book as a text book, but I am going to recommend it to family and friends who find history a less than pleasing subject. I believe they will enjoy this quick walk through history with an entertaining author.

I am a member of the Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger program (

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving

A couple of very profound holidays fall in November, Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was first and is a holiday to give thanks for all we have.  And we have so very much. A land where you can get almost whatever you want. A land with opportunities to excel and achieve your dreams, if you're willing to put in the time and sweat.  A land where we can worship as we like...or choose not to.

And Veteran's Day. A day to honor those men and women who serve our country and community selflessly;  army, navy, air force, marines, coast guard, police, fire, etc.  They give of themselves so that we can be safe and free.  Free to continue to do what we need and want to do.  They give us even more reasons to be thankful. Hopefully we all can take a few moments to thank a veteran, not just today, but every day.

We all have so much to be thankful for.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Where has the week gone?

Wow...another wow! It is already Thursday. The week has just flown by. Does time speed up as we get older, or is this something occuring because of the fast-paced life I've set for myself? It has to be the life pace because time hasn't changed. God set time in motion and it is a I know that this rush, rush, rush is all my doing.

This morning, however, I had one of those "SLOW DOWN" moments. On my way home from the gym I always listen to the radio...usually a Christian radio station (if the signal will cooperate). This morning I caught an entire episode of Focus on the Family. Yes, another WOW.  Today's episode was an episode with an amazing family, the Barrett family. This family lives in Colorado and has 9 children...5 of whom are adopted. Not such a big deal, right? Oh, but it is. They were led to troubled children, children who were literally categorized as being "unadoptable" for many different reason...institutionalized children. Still...this is the direction God led them and they listened and followed Him. That is incredible enough...but on this same broadcast they aired interviews with the children themselves...okay...yes another WOW.  Oh my goodness, the insight these young people have. They tell unabashedly how their parents love them, and loved them through some very trying circumstances of the children's own making. A self-protection mode of causing chaos and strife that the children had grown accustomed to push people away before they could push them away.  But these parents were there for them forever. But the truly awesome testimony these children gave was that they see every day how their family, their parents who chose them, turn to God and follow Him daily.  That is so, so awesome.

Link to The Barretts: An Amazing Adoption Story (part 1 of 2) (

Then I realized that as incredible as this family's story is....a story of adopting "unadoptable" children...God's story is even more incredible. I'm adopted by God into His family. I was definitely "unadoptable." I was such an ugly sinner that God couldn't even look upon me, I couldn't come into His presense. Yet, God wanted me as part of His family.  So, in order to adopt me, He sent His only suffer and die as a sacrifice.  A sacrifice that totally covered my sin...MY SIN...not Jesus' sin because He was totally sinless...but MY SIN in His precious blood so that God could now look upon me. Because of God's sacrifice, His great mercy and love, I am now a daughter of the King and I have all the priviledges of a child of the King. I can go to Him whenever. This is such an amazing love, such an unselfish love that it boggles the mind.

Thank you, Lord, for opening the door for me...for continuing to knock and coming after bring Your child home to You. Oh Lord, help me stay forever close to You. Show me what You would have me to do for You. I want to always stay in Your will, always moving under Your Kingdome Authority because without You, I'm nothing. All praise, honor and glory are Yours, might King. In Jesus name I pray...Amen.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rainy Tuesday - Where did Monday go? is already Tuesday. It is pouring rain here today. Monday totally slipped right by me. How did that happen? I, work and more work. My life definitely needs to become more balanced. Funny, that is exactly what the Sunday School lesson was that I taught this week. God wants me to have a balanced life. He never intended for me to spend the majority of my life tied to work. He's definitely drawing me in a different direction.

One direction I feel His draw is definitely toward writing. The Lord wants me to write about an episode of our family life where He led us out of a big hole. The hole was 6-figure debt. Yes, it was a deep hole, but not one that was created by tragedy...but rather one created by us playing dangerous games of "I want" and "How can we finance this." Oh so very dangerous games.

Another direction the Lord is leading is back toward livestock, but this time not something typical. I feel a draw to some of His lovely, precious creatures...alpacas.  They are pretty amazing animals. They aren't loud or aggresive. They aren't raised for meat. They are raised for the fiber (hair). It is so soft, warm and strong. But (and this is a big but) the door hasn't been opened for me to move through and acquire my own alpacas. I don't know what the Lord has in store, but I have no doubt it is going to be an incredible adventure.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Friday - It's early, but what a day already

Good morning. Rising early to great the Lord's new day is such a blessing. It is dark when I get out of my comfy bed, and oh so tempting to stay all cozy in the bed. But, when I know that there are blessings to getting up early to spend joyous quiet time with my Lord, out of the bed I go.

All days are wonderful, and today is the same, just in its own unique way. It is obvious that weather is trying to blow it. Gray clouds looking like murky gray cotton are stretched across the sky, rolling along like they are in a race. Periodically behind these racing clouds, lovely blue sky peeks through with some fluffy white clouds. What an interesting sight.  Every day there is something glorious from the Lord to rejoice in.

For a while now, my morning song has been accompanied by construction sounds of the road crews working on the nearby road. The plan is to turn the old clay road into a paved road, so I've been told. It seems to be a never-ending project because the road crews get everything looking wonderful, then the rains come. With the rains come people on their 4-wheel drive vehicles to play on the road, causing lots of damage. Even before this road project we'd tried getting the police involved to stop the damage, without much effect. Either the people would leave before the police arrived, or the police couldn't follow because the road was too hazardous due to the slick red clay.  Even though the landscape still looks pretty bad in the area after the new owner harvested the vast majority of the trees, it seems that the local wild life has decided it is once again safe to return.  I was trying to get some pictures this moring of the new landscape, the scrub brush that has grown up, and trying to frame a far off tree in the picture.  I was a bit annoyed with myself because I heard a noise to my left and failed to look in time. Lo and behold it was a doe and what appeared to be an older fawn.  The critters are back!  Well, I didn't get a picture of the deer, but I did find evidence that they are definitely active in the area.

Yes, the wonders of God's work are every where. Fall is upon us, yet when I walked the yard this morning not only were my azaleas looking quite lovely, but I found a beautiful red rose in bud. I had given up on my last rose bush, but God hadn't. It is still alive and still showing hope and promise. It reminded me of me. When I was dead inside, filled with and wallowing in sin, with nothing of worth to share with the world, God didn't give up on me. He sent His son to die for my sins so that I might have eternal life with Him, if only I would accept His gift. That sacrifice is so huge that I still don't fully understand it.  I've accepted that God did this for me, but when I think on it, trying to reason it out, it just leaves me speechless. I've often pondered if I could do what God did, sacrifice my child for someone else's life. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I couldn't do that. I could sacrifice myself for someone, but not my child. Thank you, God, for seeing me, seeing us, as we are, sinners, and for sending us the perfect sacrifice to redeem us from our sins, Your most precious Son, Jesus.

While I was spending time with the Lord this morning, He laid on my heart that I'm to write about a trial He has brought us through a few years ago. I learned long ago to not bargain with the Lord, but to accept the mission or ministry He gives. But...oh my....this task is definitely going to push me far out of my comfort zone. I've written in the past, but always total fiction with a lot of fun characters, intersting twists and color. This story will be a challenge since it is going to be either fact explaining how we dug a big hole and God pulled us out...or (and this may be a bigger challenge)...fictionalizing the situation and still sharing how God's miracles brought us through. Please keep me in prayer as I follow God's direction and guidance for this writing project.

On to see what this wonderful Friday has in store.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Book Review - "Little Sins, Big Problems" by Sarah Onderdonk

This book is a wonderful little treasure! The author shares her own vulnerabilities with us, and does so touchingly and with humor. Then she points out the "little" sins that we probably very often over look, or hope aren't seen, again with compassion, humor and the Bible to help us deal with these issues. Vanity, shopping for that new skirt just to look better then someone else; broken promises, or failing to followup on what we said we would do; boredom, just "having" to fill in silences with "news" of a friend, etc. This book will make a marvelous Bible study and/or women's discussion topic. Of course, men have the same sins as we do, but this book is directed more towards women's stumbling blocks like "competitive shopping". I highly recommend this book. But don't make the mistake I made and think that just because it is small that it will be a quick read, it is loaded with things to make you stop and think. I spent a lot of time putting this book down to pray for forgiveness over things I had overlooked as sins, and spent much time in contemplation of myself and my actions before I picked the book back up to digest another chapter. I want to share this book with a lot of friends and family, but I will be giving them their own copies. I know I'll be going through this book a few more times to learn some more about myself. (originally reviewed Aug 2003)

Thursday in the South

Wow, what a glorious day the Lord has made! Sun shining, breeze blowing, mild temps. WOOT! Yes, fall is on its way, but the leaves have barely started to turn yet. It is just a matter of time before they wave their last for this year and fall to the ground. The birds are chirping away outside. It is so peaceful, or it was much earlier this morning. Once the work day began, in came the road workers. Ahhh, progress. The county road crew is working hard on the old clay road so it can be paved. However, I've dubbed this the never-ending project. The road crew works hard, grating, leveling, brining in more dirt, etc, and then we get rain come the kids with their 4-wheel drive vehicles to go "mudding" on the road. All that hard work turn to slush, muck and mire.

Back to the is difficult to believe that soon the leaves will fall and these gorgeous trees will be bare for a winter. The pines, of course, will stand firm with their needles.

It is time to head to work. Fortunately, it isn't a very far commute...from one computer to another (an advantage of telecommuting).  More later.

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. (NIV)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Too cool. I can update this blog from my phone. My goodness, how times have changed!

Welcome to my adventure

I have been thinking about getting back into writing for a long time. There are so many avenues to explore with writing these days. Who would have ever thought...way back when...that I could write with anything other than paper and pencil or a typewriter. Way back then I would write on just about anything...people, animals, landscape, travels; you name it, I'd write on it. Now we have computers (word processors), myspace, facebook, twitter, blogs...the options seem endless. Yet, I've been in such a dry spell writing-wise. Lately I've felt an overwhelming urge to write. So, it is time to plunge in.

This adventure will likely travel through uncharted virtual areas (landscapes in my mind), as well as through places I visit in real life. I'll do my best to describe and share what I experience. The ponderings will come as they likely do for everyone else...somewhat sporadically some days and moment-by-moment on other days.  Along the way I'll try to find some pictures to are said to be worth a thousand words after all.

So, as this day comes to a close a new chapter in my life adventure opens...sharing my thoughts with others. Lord, be with me as I venture out. Let me be a light for You. Amen.